E-Learning Course

Biodiversity fundamentals: The business case for action

Access the new UN Global Compact e-learning course

With nearly 1 million species currently at risk of extinction, diversity in nature is declining at an unprecedented rate. Yet biodiversity is a fundamental component of long-term business survival.

Companies that are prepared to make the transition to nature-positive business practices will gain resilience against the increasingly damaging impacts of climate change and a competitive advantage in the emerging economic landscape.

Developed in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme - World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC),this e-learning course will help you understand the importance of biodiversity to your business and hear from pioneering companies that are already taking action.

By completing this 60-minute course, you will:

  • Learn how the biodiversity crisis impacts the private sector
  • Understand key biodiversity conservation approaches relevant to business
  • Make a business case for taking biodiversity action
  • Get equipped with a practical approach and real life examples for how to get started

Fill out the form below for complimentary access to the e-learning course. (Already a participant of the UN Global Compact? Log in here to access the course.)

About the UN Global Compact Academy

The Academy is the UN Global Compact's leading-edge learning platform designed to provide participating companies of the Compact with the knowledge and skills they need to meet their sustainability objectives and achieve long-term growth by contributing to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Through dozens of courses and formats, the Academy enables you to enhance your knowledge and capabilities, regardless of your corporate function or where you are on your sustainability journey.

Already a participant of the UN Global Compact? Access or set up your complimentary Academy account at unglobalcompact.org/academy. Interested in joining the UN Global Compact? Learn more here.