Session Overview
Session 1: Foundations – Aligning purpose with pay to stimulate sustainable decision-making
7 February 2023 | Time zone 1: 4:00–5:30 a.m. ET | Time zone 2: 9:30–11:00 a.m. ET
Session 2: Performance – Incentivizing long-term value creation
14 February 2023 | Time zone 1: 4:00–5:30 a.m. ET | Time zone 2: 9:30–11:00 a.m. ET
Session 3: Implementation – Effectively activating and communicating modernized executive pay
21 February 2023 | Time zone 1: 4:00–5:30 a.m. ET | Time zone 2: 9:30–11:00 a.m. ET
*All times listed are Eastern Standard Time (New York)
Certificate of completion
Participants who complete all three modules of this Deep Dive series will receive a certificate of completion.
Is this series for me?
This series is open to all professionals, specifically those with roles and responsibilities relating to strategy, finance, risk, sustainability, legal, investor relations and executive compensation.
How do I prepare?
As a first step, we encourage you to read the strategy, sustainability and remuneration report of your own company. We also encourage you to read Reward Value’s Principles for Responsible Remuneration, launching January 19 2023 at the World Economic Forum. These and additional materials will be available on the learning platform.